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1.Dimensions: 151*85.4* 209cm

2.Step height: 21cm

3.Step effective width: 56cm

4.Drive mode: motor driven.

5.Functional Display: Time, Climbing Height, Calories, Steps, Heart Rate

Stair Master is a great way to burn calories and build strength, particularly in your lower body. These machines mimic stair climbing, allowing you to get an intense workout that works several muscle groups. The machine provides an intense cardio workout and works your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Plus, you’ll also need to engage your core muscles and hip flexors for balance and stability, so it can help strengthen your abs. With a revolving set of 8-inch stairs, the resulting step ranges 26 to 162 steps per minute with the aim to strengthen your legs & boost cardio.

Stair Master Machine Benefits Include;
1. Improves cardiovascular health.
2. Burns calories.
3. Strengthens quadriceps & hamstrings.
4. Strengthens Calves & Glutes.
5. Boosts bone health.



4mm Gauge cable,
Smith inclusive of 1.8m Olympic bar,
3 users can workout without interference,
Dimensions; Length-188cm, Width- 135cm, Height-217cm

Smith bar
Pull up bar
Squat rack
Dual pulley for all cable exercises
Dip Bar


Incline bench press
Flat bench press
Seated shoulder press
Inverted row
Romain deadlift
Reverse lunges
Hip extension
Kneeling ab crunch
Pull ups
Seated row
Hip thrust
Cable front raise
Cable lateral raise
Cable upright row
Close-Grip barbell upright row
Hip abduction
Standing high reverse fly
Cable cross-overs
Cable chest press
Shotgun rows
Biceps curl
Dual pulley bent over row
Single arm triceps pulldown
Straight arm pulldowns
T-bar bent over-rows
Triceps dips
Low rows
Cable rows
Arm curls
Wide grip lat pull down
Narrow grip
Seated rows
Tricep Pulldown
Straight Arm Pull-Over
Standing Bicep Curl
Cable Ab Crunch
Overhead Triceps Extension
Bicep Curls
Single Arm Standing Cable Row
Glute Kickbacks
Bent Over row
Drag curl
Face Pull
Standard cable fly
Upright cable fly
Horizontal cable fly
Low to High cable raise
Front raise-hammer grip
Single arm front raise
Front raise with bar
Side hand lateral raise
High cable cross-over
Bent over cross-over
Face Pull
Bent over-row with back
Standing row single arm
Kneeling row single arm
Standing cable curl-underhand grip
Standing cable curl-overhand grip
Standing rope curl
Double arm standing curl
Cable pushdown
Rope pushdown
Single arm extension-hammer grip
Overhead extension
Double handle cable extension



4mm Gauge cable,
100kgs steel weight stack each side with independent pulleys,
Smith inclusive of 20kg olympic bar,
3 users can workout without interference,
Dimensions; Length-220cm, Width- 108cm, Height-203cm

Smith bar
Pull up bar
Squat rack
Dual pulley for all cable exercises


Incline bench press
Flat bench press
Seated shoulder press
Inverted row
Romain deadlift
Reverse lunges
Hip extension
Kneeling ab crunch
Pull ups
Seated row
Hip thrust
Cable front raise
Cable lateral raise
Cable upright row
Close-Grip barbell upright row
Hip abduction
Standing high reverse fly
Cable cross-overs
Cable chest press
Shotgun rows
Biceps curl
Dual pulley bent over row
Single arm triceps pulldown
Straight arm pulldowns
T-bar bent over-rows
Triceps dips
Low rows
Cable rows
Arm curls
Wide grip lat pull down
Narrow grip
Seated rows
Tricep Pulldown
Straight Arm Pull-Over
Standing Bicep Curl
Cable Ab Crunch
Overhead Triceps Extension
Bicep Curls
Single Arm Standing Cable Row
Glute Kickbacks
Bent Over row
Drag curl
Face Pull
Standard cable fly
Upright cable fly
Horizontal cable fly
Low to High cable raise
Front raise-hammer grip
Single arm front raise
Front raise with bar
Side hand lateral raise
High cable cross-over
Bent over cross-over
Face Pull
Bent over-row with back
Standing row single arm
Kneeling row single arm
Standing cable curl-underhand grip
Standing cable curl-overhand grip
Standing rope curl
Double arm standing curl
Cable pushdown
Rope pushdown
Single arm extension-hammer grip
Overhead extension
Double handle cable extension

  •  PAIR 2x 32KG Dumbbells with INSTANT adjustable weight selection from 2-32KG per dumbbell. 
  • 【Weight selections】2KG, 4KG, 8KG, 12KG, 16KG, 20KG, 24KG, 28KG, 32KG 
  • The innovative 32kg Adjustable Dumbbell is the perfect dumbbell for your home gym set up, whether you’re looking to train in your garage or your living room, removing the need for a full rack of dumbbells and can be used to build, strengthen and tone your entire body.
  • A quick, simple and safe adjustment dial is featured on the side of each dumbbell, all you have to do is give the dial a quick twist to the weight that you would like and then lift the dumbbell out and it will only take the amount you’ve selected.

Ultimate choice for commercial gyms committed to offering performance-focused strength training equipment.

The Commercial Squat Rack is designed to facilitate heavy squat variations in a safe and effective manner. variations. The commercial grade piece offers multiple bar height placements, plate storage as well as integrated spotters arms to ensure a maximum yet safe user experience.

KUFITNESS The brand that LIFTS


Olympic Bumper Plates- 50mm Hole Size; (sold in pairs)
5kg pair 5,000sh
10kg pair 10,000sh
15kg pair 15,000sh
20kg pair 20,000sh
25kg pair 25,000sh

Bumper Olympic Plates enable you to perform a wide range of exercises at a variety of weights to suit your fitness goals and provide maximum benefits for weight-resistance training and muscle isolation. Bumper plates are made of durable rubber, with a steel insert in the centre. This construction allows them to be dropped from overhead without damage to the floor or equipment, which is why they are so popular in Cross-fit gyms.

Russian twists
Weighted wall sits
Squat with shoulder press
Bent-over row
Reverse lunge twist
Dead bugs
Hip bridge with over-head
Curl, press triceps extensions
Chest Press


PRO-LIGHT NEOPRENE; (Sold Per piece @1600)
Elbow support has two adjustable velcro fastening straps that can be adjusted to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. The wrap around design provides all around support and stability.

The PRO-LIGHT range is made from neoprene rubber and infused with polyester as well as polyamide for extra strength, flexibility and comfort, to ensure a secure fit. The neoprene fabric is designed to retain body heat; this warming effect on the muscles and joints increases flexibility and helps prevent injuries. Each product is designed to give maximum support whilst maintaining a comfortable fit.


(Sold Per piece @1500)
Advanced Wrist Support incorporates the base of the thumb to provide a secure fit around the wrist joint. The extra supportive power wrap can be positioned to maximize stability and adjust the level of compression.

Aero-Tech range is designed for maximum comfort and stability to help recover from injury and prevent further damage. The range has high quality breathable neoprene to retain body heat around the joint and muscles to increase flexibility and stimulate blood flow. The support is lined with a terry-cloth fabric for comfort and to allow airflow. Each item has additional support strategically placed to ensure stability and added strength.

Fits upto 25cm


(Sold Per piece @1000)
For support and compression around the wrist. intended uses can include but are not limited to mild sprains and strains, overuse injuries, tendonitis, and mild carpal tunnel syndrame. The ACTIVE ELASTICATED range is made from a high-quality fabric, with the combined benefits of nylon, polyester as well as latex for superior strength, flexibility and comfort, to ensure a secure fit. The support is firm and effective on weakened muscles and joints, and helps prevent injuries.

Size Measurements;


Suspending your punching bag without attaching anything to the ceiling or wall. Sold without punching bag or weights.

Available in 2 Sizes;
1. Home Use 7.5ft
2. Commercial 9ft

KUFITNESS The brand that LIFTS


Sissy squats primarily strengthen the quadriceps and also work the hip flexors, core strength and can improve balance. With a sissy squat machine, you’re able to lean back securely without fear of falling over or disrupting your posture.

How to Perform a Sissy Squat Exercise

The steps of performing a sissy squat workout are relatively simple and can be described as follows:

  • Step on to the sissy squat machine and adjust it as required, ensuring that your feet are securely locked into position
  • Lower yourself into a squatting position – ensure that you maintain tension on the thighs
  • Bring yourself back up to the starting position
  • Repeat the above steps for your desired number of reps
  • LIFT HARDER AND CLIMB FASTER WITH A STRONG GRIP – Liquid Chalk help keep your hands dry and reliable for a safe and efficient workout.
  • EASY TO USE AND EASY TO CLEAN – Our fast-drying formula gets you ready to perform in seconds (and it slides right off with a little soap and water!).
  • Liquid Chalk is perfect for Weightlifting, Climbing, Bodybuilding, Gymnastics, CrossFit,  and more.KUFITNESS The brand that LIFTS

Showing 31–45 of 146 results

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