About Us

Our stories

Khaira Ummah Fitness is the leading wholesaler of Commercial and Home gym equipment, boasting in top notch quality,affordable pricing,efficient logistics and the best customer service ever experienced in any online business.

Our customers’ reviews on google,instagram and facebook are a testimony to our legacy in fulfilling needs of both Commercial and Home users of our wide range of fitness equipments.

We have been in this industry for the past 7 years and we have grown to incorporate almost every single piece of machine required for training any body part.

We also excel in educating about fitness and nutrition on our social media platforms so that the masses can stay away from bad practice and fads.

Our business ideals stem from our beautiful Religion of Islam which emphasise on Honesty,reliability and openness and such is the impact we have had in our line of business offering real advice to customers and stating the reality behind any fake claims of products, eg treadmills,spinbikes,tummy trimmers etc

KUF which stands for Khaira Ummah Fitness is an ofshoot of Khaira Ummah which was a small charity group run by concerned entrepreneur youngsters who have a vision of eliminating poverty from their surroundings through the selfless act of sadaqa and uniting the Ummah on a common ground without any segregation.

Since the degradation of the Ummah, it has been observed that MOST rich people have no concern for the poor and if they do any charity work, then there must be show and pomp for publicity and indulgence in haraam activities thereby cancelling out the whole essence of sadaqa.

Khaira Ummah was founded on a basis of doing everything the proper islamic way and encouraging people to remove sadaqa in an attractive and beneficial manner. i.e giving them their much needed services/products at a cheaper rate and forwarding the proceeds to sadaqa.


  • The supplier from whom we purchase bulk goods/services at discounted prices,
  • The customer who purchases from us at lower than market prices and
  • The profit made in between is benefited by the different members of society that are lagging behind due to lack of funds e.g: orphans, medical aid, boreholes and madrasas in rural areas and many other deprived entities.